Monday 9 April 2012

Sniper character concept design

Concept design for a half human, half feline sniper character. There was a fair bit of playing around with the hood design before i settled on something i considered both interesting and practical!  I wanted there to be elements of old Japan in the partially concealed mask, but also elements of Jules Verne and sci fi in the antiquated rifle. Most of all, i was trying to retain a semblance of humanity with the character when beneath the mask, this lady is actually something very different. This is an important part of the story she fits into.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Lava river & ships

An concept idea for how sailing ships have been converted to cross lava. More playing with contrasts and textures on this one, particularly the strange destination in the background.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Magma Causeway

An idea for an entrance to an underground environment, using solid magma to form a path across lava. This piece was slightly more experimental in that I used photos patched in to add texture. It was also a chance to play around with contrast to create depth.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Guardian creature & entrance design

Two rough concept pieces for a guardian toad monster and it's underworld lair entrance

Robot whale & factory designs

Concept designs for a steam powered robot whale, and construction site